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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Facebook Friday!

Hey everyone! I am so excited to introduce the newest thing to Artistic Images....

Facebook Friday!

I have totally gotten addicted to the social networking sites and am beginning to see the impact that sites like Facebook and Twitter can have on any small business. It is important to have a professional and fabulous image of yourself for your profile pic. No longer will you need to crop out the person standing next to you so you will have a photo of yourself.

Mark your calendars

Friday October 23rd 4-6 pm

You have the choice of a white background or a turquoise background as shown below. You can make your image look fun, business-like, artsy or fashionable...whatever you want!

Take advantage of this amazing opportunity. For only $25!!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Best Wedding Image!

This image was just selected last night at the awards banquet for the Southwest Professional Photographers Association as the best wedding image by a Master Photographer. There are 6 states involved in the "Southwest" association and out of all of those entries, my print was selected! Thank you to the beautiful bride, Liz, who was such an amazing subject to photograph. And thank you to the salon, Bella Notte for the amazing dress. The Mission San Jose provided the incredible location and God created the lighting! It all came together to create this image entitled "Sunlit Senorita".

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Urban Day!

For the first time EVER, Artistic Images is having an Urban Portrait Event at my favorite old warehouse in downtown San Antonio! This is truly a fun, contemporary, unique portrait session. I could photograph families, kids, couples, cars or even brides. This day is SATURDAY OCTOBER 10th and I only have 4 spots open! Check out some of the images below and call us Right Now! 210.497.3809

Friday, September 4, 2009

Jeffrey is Bad to the Bone!

An email we received from the mommy of Jeffrey:

"We had a favorite of ours of Jeff playing the guitar on the screen and he would not let me change the screen. AT ALL!! I asked him if he wanted it big on the wall, and he was adamant that he did and kept saying it and pointing to the wall saying 'Big wall, please' while signing please pretty hard. I didn't think he would be requesting wall portraits at fifteen months old! I switched to another favorite and he did the same thing with a little less enthusiasm. I think the first one was more of a favorite for all as it really looks like he is playing the guitar. They really are amazing pictures!! Thank you!! "

Here is the photo that Jeffrey wanted of himself...isn't it adorable?