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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

A Ruidoso New Year!

We LOVE taking our boys skiing at Ski Apache in Ruidoso! It has become a spring break tradition for us but this year we have decided to be there over New Year's Eve. After a crazy, busy holiday portrait season, we are gonna have some much needed R&R.
Upon posting this on Facebook, I have discovered that MANY of my clients and friends visit Ruidoso over the holidays. So I decided that it would be INSANELY cool to do portraits in the mountains (and hopefully the snow). Since we hardly EVER see snow in San Antonio,
this is my chance to do portraits in the beautiful white snow!
Last year I did some portraits of my boys playing in the snow and my nephews
posing like Abercrombie Models.
Check it out!

I have reduced the price of my normal Destination Fees by a SIGNIFICANT amount
and decided to keep the sessions short and sweet.
I would LOVE it if you would join us in Ruidoso during our stay
 and have some awesome portraits made!
But if not, we may have just started a new yearly tradition :)

I hope this Holiday Season finds you STRESS-FREE and feeling FABULOUS!