Facebook Friday is BACK!
Last year I had so much fun photographing all of the professionals that came into the studio for our Facebook Friday! It is fun now to see everyone's Facebook Profile Pic to be one that I took. Since I am totally addicted to Facebook, I see how important a great Profile Pic is. It is seen over and over again and if it is not good, then it will stick in everyone's mind. I want your image to stick in everyone's mind because it is an AWESOME image of you. Networking with other professionals over the web is where the future is...so don't have your photo say the wrong things about you. A bad photo can say volumes about who you are as a business person. I don't want that to happen to you! Get on the phone now and RSVP at
All mini sessions encouraged to have a reservation.
Walk-ins will be taken on an first come first serve basis.